Private Roads Committee: The Town of West Bend is organizing a “Private Roads Committee” beginning in September. The Committee objective will be focused on the development of a new ordinance designed to regulate the maintenance, improvements and safety of all private roads within the Town of West Bend. Individuals interested in volunteering for this committee are asked to be property owners along a private road within the town. Depending on the number of committee volunteers, we could end up limiting the number of participants from each road to ensure that all private roads can be represented. Individuals interested in volunteering, please contact Julie Ihlenfeld at the Town Hall. Thank You for your interest.

Commercial Use оf Residential Parcels/Structures

The Town of West Bend has received numerous complaints pertaining to residential zoned properties that possibly could be in zoning violation. 

As a reminder and notice to residents, the commercial use of residential properties and structures is prohibited in the Town of West Bend.  Examples of violations include running a business out of a home or garage, making property available as a wedding or reception site, and offering space on a dock or pier for rent or lease. If you have any questions regarding your parcel zoning or whether a given use is permissible on your property, please contact Town Clerk / Zoning Secretary Julie Ihlenfeld at the town hall 262-338-3417.