Spring E-Waste Event: Saturday, March 15, 2025, 8 AM – Noon, Drop off at the Town Hall, 6355 HWY Z, Open to Town of West Bend Residents Only Proof of Residency Required Bring your unwanted, broken or worn-out electronic devices to be properly disposed

Annual Meeting

Notice is Hereby given of the Town of West Bend Annual Meeting on the 20th day of April 2021 at 7:00 P.M. to be held at the Town Hall, 6355 County Hwy Z, West Bend, WI 53095, virtually via Zoom, and telephone.

Annual Meeting Notice 2021


The Town is in a Department of Natural Rescources Air Quality Contolled Area. The Town of West Bend does not issue burn permits. If for some reason you plan to burn, it is the residents responsibility to notify both the Washington County Sherriff’s Department and the appropriate Fire Department of your intentions to burn. Notification to these authorities will eliminate the possibility of receiving a false alarm being called in by a concerned citizen. If a fire is called in and it is determined to be a false alarm, the resident will be responsible for the fees incurred as a result. At this point, the charge for a false alarm call is $850.00. Please be sure to report your planned burns to avoid the charge.  Enjoy your outdoor summer season!

Town of West Bend Burn Ordinance

Wisconsin Statewide Law on Burning

Town Fire Departments

  • Emergency For Emergencies, Dial 911
  • Allenton Non emergency – (262) 629-5413
  • Slinger Non emergency – (262) 644-5331
  • West Bend Non emergency – (262) 335-5054


The Town of West Bend roads are subject to freezing rain, ice, snow and drifting at any time from November through April. The Town Board endeavors to maintain adequate traction for vehicles properly equipped for winter driving conditions. This does not mean bare, dry pavement should be expected after each snowfall or ice storm. Futhermore, it does not mean the roads will be free of ice and snow.


The Town is responsible for the maintenance of approximately 45 miles of roads. By Wisconsin State Statute 81.15, the town has three (3) weeks to remove natural snow and ice accumulations. The Town’s goal is to maintain the roads in good winter driving conditions as weather, equipment and budget allows.

Planning and Preparing for snow and ice operations are difficult due to the uniqueness of each storm. No two storms are ever identical. Factors such as rate of snowfall, moisture content, accumulations, temperatures, time of day and wind velocity determines the uniqueness of each storm.

During snow and ice storms, town road crews will respond to emergency conditions to the extent possible. The town will not respond to unverified emergency requests direct from the public. The requests must come from the appropriate agency (i.e. fire, police, etc.). The Town will not take any responsibility for the removal of snow that is plowed into private driveways during road clearing operations.


Driveway maintenance is the property owner’s responsibility. The Town of West Bend, the Town Board, Town employees and operators are not responsible for snow removal from private driveways and yards. The Town’s equipment will not remove snow from yards or driveways. The Town of West Bend, The Town Board, Town employees and operators are not responsible for any damage to private driveways and yards occurred during snow removal operations.


The Town of West Bend uses abrasive sand treated with rock salt. The sand will only be applied at the curves, most intersections, hills and steep grades. Certain weather conditions may allow the sand-salt to promote a thawing or clearing of compact snow and /or ice. There is no State or Federal law that requires the Town to apply salt and/or sand-salt. Salt and/or sand-salt will only be applied as much as the budget and/or availability allows.


Planning for a snow removal operation begins when there is one( 1) inch or more of snow expected to accumulate. The Town Chairman or his/her designee, along with Washington County Highway Department, has the authority to suspend snow and ice control operations during severe storm conditions when there is a danger to operators or it is not practical or cost effective to continue. No guarantee is made or implied as to the length of the snow and ice removal operations. The main objective of snow removal operations is to plow the blacktop surfaces to the shoulders, wing and possibly bench after roads are opened and try to clear the center to bare surface if possible.


Operators are instructed to be very cautious near the mailboxes. In most cases a properly installed mailbox will permit a snowplow to clear the snow underneath it. Most cases of damaged mailboxes are caused by heavy snow hitting the box. Most mailboxes are seldom hit by the plow. If damage to a mailbox is due to the plow blade or plow vehicle physically striking it reimbursement of $30.00 or placement of a standard U.S. Postal Office rural box by the Town can be obtained by filling out a Mailbox Accident Claim Form at which time the Town Highway Department determines if the damage was done by the snowplowing equipment physically striking the mailbox.


Sand barrels and boxes will be placed at strategic locations determined by the Town’s Department of Public Works. They will be filled regularly with an salt/sand mixture for use on intersections, hills and town roads.


Complaints given to spouses or other family members, if given in a respectable manner, will be relayed to the proper personnel. The Town Board, employees, spouses and family members will not deal with rude, obscene or belligerent complaints.